Available Programs for Public Appearances

Call or email for specifics and fees regarding a particular program.


Coming into Kan-te-kee

This presentation highlights the 1770s struggles and adventures of that group known as long hunters as they moved westward and began to explore the then-frontier of present-day Kentucky. The program features authentic equipment and clothing used by the long hunters and includes a flintlock rifle, belt ax, bedroll and tump line, fire-starting kit and cooking kit. I present this program while dressed in period-specific clothing. The “show-and-tell” portion at the end allows attendees to actually handle the equipment displayed. This has become my most popular program for large groups of individuals interested in the outdoors, both of years past and today.


African Safari: Lure of the Dark Continent

This presentation features discussion, question/answer, and a PowerPoint visual of hunting in South Africa. It works well for a variety of group sizes but does require that all present have a clear view of the screen. This is best suited for individuals who are hunters or who have a genuine interest in hunting. While carefully and tastefully done, the presentation does display photos of harvested animals.


Africa Revisited: Hunting with the primitive bow and arrow

On his second trip to Africa, Kinton took nothing but a hand-made Osage bow, Plains-style quiver and wooden arrows. He stalked the spectacular nyala in the bush veld of Limpopo Privince. Despite concern of the PH and trackers regarding Kinton’s equipment, all doubt was removed when success came on the fourth day. This presentation is accompanied by a slide show that gives vivid visuals of the people, the country, the camp and the hunt.


Hunting Across North America

All that was said for the above applies to this program. It is, however, restricted to game animals of North America and features hunts I have made for whitetails, mule deer, black bear, moose, caribou, antelope, sheep, hogs, turkeys bison, exotic species, and small game.


Bison as it was and Should be

This presentation is similar to the Africa and North America programs but focuses on a bison hunt in Kansas. Sleeping quarters were in tipis and dugouts, transportation was on horseback, clothes were 1874 style “cowboy,” and rifles were Remington rolling blocks, Sharps “buffalo rifles,” and Winchester 1885 “high walls” shooting black-powder cartridges and home-cast lead bullets. The program is well suited for hunters with an interest in the old ways and the Old West.


Pictures and Power of Words

This program is academic in nature. It focuses on how words shaped my life and opened doors for extensive travel and experiences. It features reading and a PowerPoint visual with music. Well suited for small groups with an interest in the English language.


Book readings

This program consists of reading from my writing, both magazine and book, and is well suited for a general audience in a close, personal setting.


Contractual Requirements

Presenter agrees to provide programming as previously agreed upon in a timely, acceptable manner on previously agreed upon date and time at previously agreed upon location.

Organization/Host agrees to provide a location conducive to such program, as free as possible from outside disturbance. Organization/Host agrees to provide equipment requested prior to presentation. Equipment: speaker’s stand (podium), sound reinforcement (PA) system, 4 display tables.

Presenter requests permission to display and offer for sale books and related materials. If this is not allowed by Organization/Host, such should be noted and initialed on this agreement.


Contact Tony

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